- Sustainability>
- E:Environment>
- Climate change
Climate change
Perspective on climate change
Based on the recognition that the preservation of the global environment is an important issue for mankind, we strive to reduce the environmental burden by implementing environmentally friendly business activities with the aim of harmonizing our business activities with environmental preservation. We endorse the recommendations compiled by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in 2015, analyze and evaluate the risks posed by climate change to financial markets, and disclose information in accordance with the recommendations for "governance", "risk management", "strategy", and "indicators and targets".
Improving resilience (adaptation to climate change)
In response to natural disasters that are becoming more intense, especially typhoons, we have been updating our countermeasures from times of normality in cooperation with our branch offices to prevent and reduce damage. Specifically, we work together on how to store and secure cargo, and to ensure the safety of employees when performing unusual work.
For example, at branch offices that are on the path of natural disasters (especially typhoons), in order to prevent the impact of strong winds on facilities, we are taking measures based on the knowledge gained from past experience such as protection by shutters, securing of cargo handling equipment, and securing of containers.
In addition, the Risk Management Department is introducing a safety confirmation system for employees and a system that can centrally confirm disaster prediction information around each branch office transmitted from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and municipalities between the head office and branch offices.
Container securing
Securing cargo handling equipment
Close up of the image on the leftabove